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evoila GmbH

Mainz · Beratung, Internet, IT, Telekom

Über evoila GmbH

The evoila Group (evoila) is one of the leading solution providers in the D-A-CH region. With the headquarters located in Mainz, Germany and subsidiaries in Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland, Poland and Bosnia evoila is able to deliver a broad range of services across the modern hybrid cloud stack always with the credo “Engineering IT”. Technology At evoila, we put our focus onto a comprehensive and consistent…
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter*innen
101 - 500
Anzahl gesuchter Mitarbeiter*innen/Jahr
31 - 50
Beratung, Internet, IT, Telekom
Gesuchte Positionen und Kenntnisse
Kubernetes, Cloud Native, Security, Software Development, Cloud Automation

Unsere beliebtesten Benefits

  • Gute Anbindung
  • Aus- und Weiterbildung
  • Home Office

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