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Helu.io GmbH

Wien · Internet, IT, Telekom

Über Helu.io GmbH

At Helu.io we are building an exciting European fintech company, where any data request of a CFOs is at the heart of our interest. To be more concrete: we pull accounting data from accounting softwares and help analyze, navigate, visualize, share, collaborate or manipulate all the data, as if you had your own ERP system. Our target customers are small to medium sized businesses or M&A advisors, who…
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter*innen
11 - 30
Anzahl gesuchter Mitarbeiter*innen/Jahr
1 - 5
Internet, IT, Telekom
Gesuchte Positionen und Kenntnisse
front-end developer, b2b saas sales, product manager, back-end developer

Unsere beliebtesten Benefits

  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten

    In our team you can really create your own day. Time around the coffee machine talking is just as valuable as coding.

  • Home Office

    We all have families and private lives. It is totally clear that you can choose whether to work from home or from the office.

  • Personalbeteiligungen

    We want to have core members of our team to participate in the company's success and offer share packages.

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