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MyPrivacy GmbH

Wien · Internet, IT, Telekom

Über MyPrivacy GmbH

We are an Austrian cybersecurity start-up specialized in advanced cryptography. MyPrivacy SafeSpace is our product that can be used to protect any kind of data stored in untrusted environments like public cloud, providing the user total control over the data and complete anonymity. MyPrivacy was founded in 2018 and received seed funding from the Federal Ministry and aws (Austria Wirtschaftsservice),…
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter*innen
11 - 30
Anzahl gesuchter Mitarbeiter*innen/Jahr
1 - 5
Internet, IT, Telekom
Gesuchte Positionen und Kenntnisse
Softwareentwicklung, Software development, cryptography, IT architecture

Unsere beliebtesten Benefits

  • Gute Anbindung
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Home Office

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